

  2016年,长江教育研究院在中国智库索引(CTTI)来源智库(2017-2018)评选中在社会智库MRPA测评综合排名全国第三 ,社会智库MRPA测评资源效能全国第一 ,院长周洪宇“社会智库专家MRPA测评综合分排序”排名第二,6位专家“社会智库专家MRPA测评综合分排序”名列前20强。被中国教育智库联盟吸纳,成为 “中国教育智库首批联盟执行委员会”成员单位。


  Strongly supported by the Provincial Education Department of Hubei Province, the Changjiang Educational Research Institute (hereafter as CERI), which was sponsored by the Central China Normal University (hereafter as CCNU) and the Changjiang Publishing & Media Group, is one education and research institution founded on16th December 2006. Zhou Hongyu, the member of the National People’s Congress, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Hubei Province, CCNU professor and doctoral supervisor, holds the post of Dean. Based in Hubei Province, the CERI generates positive spillover effect to China and brings influence on the whole world. In line with guiding concept of Global View, Chinese Stance, Professional Ability and Practical Orientation, founding principle of the institute People’s Stance, Establishment Attitude, and Professional View, as well as work mind of socialized, specialized, informatized, servitized and internationalized , the Changjiang Educational Research Institute which counts on the culture publishing enterprise and gathers a flock of renowned education specialists from home and abroad establishes a platform for contacting relevant education expert and educational management department. Thus a new system and mechanism, which bases on academic research and focuses on policy research, is formulated. Supported by government and social participation, the new system and mechanism which relies on the publishing enterprise is pushed forward moderately with complementary strength including study, research, production, administration and society. Since 2009, the CERI, prior to the annually-held National People’s Congress (hereafter as NPC) and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(hereafter as CPPCC), has been hosting Beijing-Changjiang Education Forum, in which representatives of the NPC and the CPPCC, well-known education specialists and leaders of education department are invited to discuss education reform and development jointly, release the annual Education Policy Proposal by the CERI, publish yearly education and research report China Education Yellow Book, and at the meantime announce China Education Index and Top Ten Key Words of Chinese Education since 2015, which generates extensive influence on society.